by sarah_itbtt5 | Jul 19, 2015 | Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Therapy
Many people come to my office and have heard about EMDR therapy and that it is highly effective yet they do not know how it works. EMDR is a powerful therapeutic tool that helps free people from the emotional, cognitive, and/or physical charge they consciously or...
by sarah_itbtt5 | Jul 17, 2015 | EMDR, PTSD, Therapy
Recently, my practice has been busy helping people better understand how we react to trauma after the horrific shooting at the Aurora movie theater. Often times when experiencing a traumatizing event, individuals feel like they are in a fog and they don’t know...
by sarah_itbtt5 | Jul 17, 2015 | EMDR, PTSD, Therapy
I found this article written about our servicemen and women and wanted to share it. There is not a lot of public awareness of what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) looks like. People who suffer from PTSD do not feel like their regular selfs. I treat PTSD...