Couples Counseling
Do you find any of these statements too familiar……
“I feel distant from my spouse and have no idea how we are going to reconnect.”
“My spouse just had an affair. I do not think I can trust him/her again and am considering divorce, but worried about breaking up my family.”
“We have never had the intimacy and sex life that I want in my marriage.”
“Why can’t I get through to my spouse? We have the same argument over and over again.”
“I never learned the skills of how to be married from my parents.”

At The Counseling Place at Lone Tree, we support your journey towards healthy, fulfilling, and peaceful relationships. We help couples communicate in an effective manner with clarity and truth with your partner. Growing from a place of love and support for one another, couples counseling helps couples surpass consistent negativity and learn effective ways of being in a marriage. Heidi Skogman is The Counseling Place at Lone Tree couples specialist. In addition to being a psychotherapist, she is trained and certified in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Couples counseling can benefit couples who find they struggling with many topics including money, sex, parenting, affairs, communication, and emotional connection. By working with Heidi, couples access a greater emotional connection, go beyond relief to a close bond, and grow to getting your needs and longings met. Couples counseling helps gain a cognitive understanding of the negative emotional and communication cycles couples find themselves in.
Through counseling you can experience a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner, empathize with the wounds in their heart and reach out for each other with authenticity and vulnerability to create an environment of intimacy. This creates happiness and joy in a married couple’s life. If you are debating entering into couple’s therapy, we encourage you to begin the journey.

What purpose do they serve in our client’s life,
Where did they come from, etc.?
We then work toward a feeling of wholeness. This journey increases confidence and feelings of empowerment in our clients’ lives. This also helps the client transcend negativity, so that they do not have to experience historic negativity any longer. We believe that through therapeutic work, motivation, and focus you can move beyond discomfort in your life!
We specialize helping couples with:
Struggles with intimacy and desire
Terminating negative patterns
Tailored Services for Couples
We offer both a half day (4 hours) and full day (8 hour) intensives for couples. When life is already full and it’s hard to fathom adding another weekly or even every other weekly appointment into your schedule, but you know you need to make the investment, this is a great option. During this time we will look at family patterns, cycles of conflict, what pulls you together and what pushes you apart. It will be experiential and active. You will leave with a much greater understanding of your communication patterns and gain skills that draw you toward each other. Prior to your extended session, couples can provide Heidi with topics they would like to cover.